Security data

Few companies currently do not dependent in one way or another of the availability and accessibility of their digital information. Like all appliances , computers and digital information they contain are susceptible to breakdowns , loss, theft , etc. We must all reflect on the situation in which we would be in if for whatever reason, the information or applications witch we use in a daily baisis would not be available.

We help our clients  on the task of identifying the crucial dataand aplications for your business,define the existing weaknesses and propose and implant solutions that will allow to eliminate or reduce the risks of a lost, substraction or coruption, always enshuring the adequate level of security y availability.

The adequate level of security

Our goal is to provide our customers the level of security appropriate to each situation by assessing their needs and proposing actions to improve the security of their data at all levels.

  • Perimeter security to prevent the access of unauthorized personnel to the networks of our customers.
  • Safety in the workplace, to prevent the action of viruses, Trojans and malware in general.
  • Security copy to have data no matter what happens .
  • Traffic safety , to prevent our information from being intercepted and accessed by outsiders.
  • Password management.
  • Control of the data leaving the company.
  • Availability of critical equipment so that the daily work can continue no matter what happens.
  • Managing the human factor in safety.
  • Etc.


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